Can we use full install for development purpose

I struggle 2 weeks to install development environment using docker.
tried many options:

  • Windows WPS
  • Ubuntu VM using VMWare under Windows 11.
  • Install Ubuntu on a dedicated server.

All fail wasting a lot of time.

As I know the past to build a full production environment, is it possible to setup a NextCloud full installation on a small dedicated server or VM and use it as development environment?

(I understand it shall be a separate instance from the production system)


Honestly, I am not sure, what this is. Did you mean WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux)?

In general, you can use any server running NC for development purposes. A local instance is however useful in multiple ways:

  • You can work without internet connection (e.g. on train)
  • Integration in (local) development IDE is simpler
  • typically faster
  • You have full control of the files, so you could dig into stuff and get your hands dirty. This is harder remotely.

I would advice you to use the docker setup by Julius Knorr linked here. It is advices for all newcoming devs so you have good chances that your problems are either documented or soon fixed.

If you insist on Windows, I guess, you need to get WSL2 running to get this environment up. If you need help with that, feel free to poste a message.


Thanks Christian,

No way I go Windows for that. I did a trial when I was hitting my head too much trying to setup docker version. It looks very stable and efficient. The point is I live in China and seems repositories requires for setup cannot be accessed.

Without VPN I cannot access the files even from a browser. Using Shadowsocks-Rust, I can open repositories in browser but then command line git clone always fails.

I waste lot of time working around by downloading repository using clone download from browser. Then updated the script to copy downloaded files where there is git clone commands.

With all this hassles, I couldn’t obtain a working docker config in 2 weeks.

So I made a normal nextcloud server manual setup on a Ubuntu VM. NextCloud instance is now fully functional as localhost. I can access all files locally to get my hands dirty :slight_smile: .

I can now go back to developer tutorial and try buil my first custom app.


Last information and this question can be closed as resolved.

A normal full installation of NextCloud Server can be used as development plateform. The major difference when following tutorials is applications are deployed in Apps directory in place of AppExtras.