Can I see imported calendars other than Nextcloud webpage?

Hi there, I’ve decided to fully migrate to nextcloud, which includes calendar.
I have two clients with two agendas (one from microsoft and other one from google).

I follow the docs steps and added both to my nextcloud calendar app.

After that, I try to follow the guide for Android using DAVx. After that, there was no record.
Tried the same thing, but now with gnome and is also empty.

It seems that Nextcloud only share its own appointments. It can’t reshare imported ones.

I wasn’t able to confirm this. Does that make sense?

From my point of view, this makes sense because when you add external calendars to Nextcloud, the events are not really imported and then served by Nextcloud. Instead, Nextcloud just acts as a client for those calendars, just like DAVx on your phone does for the Nextcloud calendars.

There are two ways to go at this. You can actually import the events that are currently in the MS and Google calendars into Nextcloud, either into your existing calendar, or you can create new calendars in Nextcloud and then import the events into them and then use only the calendars in Nextcloud.

Or you can leave everything as it is and set up the Microsoft and Google calendars separately on Android, just as you would without Nextcloud. They should then appear as separate calendars next to the Nextcloud calendars provided by DAVx in whatever calendar app you’re using.

Thanks @bb77, that makes total sense.
As you suggested, I can import ics file with Google and MS into Nextcloud. However, it will not sync future events.

My main problem are conflicts. Since MS and Google are business, people just check my availability before schedule something. I solved that telling them not to trust it. However, I have trouble seeing my appointments.

Its been a month since Android is buggy and stop keeping track of MS and Google. I start to loose appointments. This is why I decided to merge everything in Nextcloud.

Perhaps I should try some sync calendar solution.

If this means exporting an ICS file from Google or MS and then importing that file into Nextcloud, this would be a one-time manual process where no connection is made from Nextcloud to Google or MS, which in turn means that future events added to those external calendars will not be automatically displayed/imported into Nextcloud.

Alternatively, you can subscribe to external ICS/iCAL calendar feeds in Nextcloud (see the screenshot below and the documentation here), and these feeds should update automatically.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-10-24 13-24-26

The downside of calendar subscriptions is that they appear as separate calendars in Nextcloud and are also read-only, so nothing is actually imported and you cannot add new events, manage existing events or invitations in these calendars from Nextcloud.

Maybe, but it would probably still be less error-prone and easier to just go with a single calendar provider and manage everything there :wink:

Otherwise I can only say that Nextcloud cannot do this out of the box, but there might be third party products that can, However, I have no experience with any of them them and cannot recommend a specific product, but maybe someone else will chime in here. It might also be worth searching the forum for similar topics.

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