Bulletin board possible?

Dear all,

is it possible to use the Talk app to provide a bulletin board on which only a certain group can write and others can only read? How can I configure this if necessary?

Thank You!

I am afraid you can’t.

Maybe GitHub - nextcloud/announcementcenter: 📢 Announcement Center for Nextcloud is what you are looking for?

Thank you for the link but without any documentation it is useless.

They were stopping development with Nextcloud 11.


No I did not stop the development, it’s just moved to the releases now:

Not sure what docu you are looking for, the screenshot in GitHub - nextcloud/announcementcenter: 📢 Announcement Center for Nextcloud is rather self-explanatory

My intention was to send the notifications to a SmartPhone to subscribers without a own NC account. The talk app would have been ideal here :wink: