[bug] updating displayName twice using curl with same Text causes a 102 error the second time

I would view this as a bug. Running on 24.0.3.

  1. update an existing users displayName with a new text “MyName”
$ curl -u admin:PASSWORD https://yoursite.com:443/ocs/v1.php/cloud/users/MyUser --silent --header "OCS-APIRequest: true" -X PUT -d key=displayname -d value="MyName"

returns 100 OK

  1. update the same users displayName again with the same text “MyName”
$ curl -u admin:PASSWORD https://yoursite.com:443/ocs/v1.php/cloud/users/MyUser --silent --header "OCS-APIRequest: true" -X PUT -d key=displayname -d value="MyName"

returns 102 Invalid displayname

The second call should return 100 OK as the input value is OK.

For example updating language, locale, quota with the same value 2 times works OK.


Thank you for reporting this issue. This forum is (private) support forum, please report issues at Nextcloud server github repo

ok thx for the tip. /done