Booking Appointments

I need to open my calendar up for appointment scheduling and I’m curious about whether there’s a good way to do that w/in Nextcloud.

Ideally I’d block out a few large windows of time, in hour-long chunks, and then send out a notice asking people to sign up for an appointment slot.

Is there a plugin or app that would support that?


Hi amandabee,
have you taken a look at this ?

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For info, as of Nextcloud Hub II (released November 2021), appointment functionality is now seamlessly available integrated in the Calendar app :slight_smile:

See the blog post at

Here are some screenshots:

Create appointment calendar:

Booking an appointment:

I’ve been using Calendly to schedule meetings, but they don’t support CalDAV calendars - and I use Nextcloud for almost everything.
I’ve tried but I just find it too limited, unfinished and poorly designed.
What Calendly alternatives can I use for this?

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I wish Calendly would just support Caldav.