Bloquage geographique acces impossible // Geographical blocking of access impossible

French version :

Bonsoir je viens vous voir car je n’arrive pas à accéder à mon site quand le bloqueur geographique de nextcloud est activé, dans les paramétres de sécurité j’ai selectionné l’option qui consiste à choisir que les pays qu’on veut accepter sauf que en me déconnectant l’accés est impossible tant que le plugins n’est pas désactivé … Auriez vous une solution ?

Je vous remercie d’avance


English version :

Good evening I come to see you because I can’t access my site when the nextcloud geoblocker is activated, in the security settings I selected the option to choose only the countries you want to accept except that by disconnecting me the access is impossible as long as the plugin is not disabled … Would you have a solution ?

I thank you in advance

They probably use some database that is not up to date. They have a suggestion to improve this:

This sort of filters are getting more and more complicated since the ipv4 space is running out of addresses and current ones are re-allocated. So your current address might have originated from a different country before.
It’s perhaps a bit better if you just limit by larger geographical areas, e.g. the RIPE area.

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Hello thank you for your answer

Right. I hadn’t thought about the ipv4 shortage. It makes sense.

Do you know where I can add these ip entries? Because adding this in .htaccess doesn’t seem to be the best solution and the same for iptables entries but I can be wrong.

I don’t know where they get their information. You’d have to check with this database to get the entries regarding your ip updated. I don’t use this app and can’t tell you if you can manually add exceptions.

Thanks for your answer, I think I’ll use a list from this website and hope their list is up to date.

Yes, I also recognized, that geoiplookup seems to use relatively old data (from 2018).
The information directly from the RIRs should be uptodate. I added this service in the latest version but I recognized that it still has some problems depending on the used SQL Database. So, unfortunately this still has to be counted as beta.