Better External Storage support, and more granular permissions

On ownCloud, I have the problem that if I add an External Drive (of type Local, although I presume the issue also occurs with other types), and then give other users read access tocertain folders on the External Drive, ownCloud will eventually stop detecting changes in the folder until I login on my ownCloud account and browse to the folder. A file may be added to a folder, but the user I shared the folder with can’t see it until I login myself. The External Drive also seems to be slower than should be when you browse it.

Apart from that, it would be nice if I didn’t have to share a folder to give people read only access. I’d rather add the External Drive directly to the other user’s account, and then limit his access to read only. I think this is also a problem with non-External Drive folders.

I assume a lot of people will use USB drives, or possibly secondary hard drives for their cloud storage, especially if the primary drive holding the OS, Nginx/Apache, and other programs is an SSD. A better implementation would be valued greatly.


@Amanoo I agree, I often use external storage but I don’t think it works as well as it should. Read-only shares is a great place to start.
I would like to see the ability to prevent users syncing these with desktop and mapped with WebDav; users try to sync more than than space on there drive. (Mentioned this with OC but wasn’t ever implemented)

Another point regarding external storage is that it syncs everything onto computers running the sync client. It should be possible to select if those folders should be synced, especially if there are lots of files in them, at the point of adding the storage to the web interface, not afterwards on every single client involved.

To choose folders is regular no problem in the current client, but choosing files is not possible. Maybe is possible with a menu or a IgnoreList.

But a much better feature would be to implement all scan features (owncloud: occ files:scan --all or occ files:scan --user) in the software, because this feature doesn´t run smoothly with version 9 and needed hours and hours. Up to v. 9 all data are not in the MySQL database, from v. 9 up to now the database is used for this all, but the feature doesn´t run.

Full support for all the major cloud providers including Amazon Cloud Drive would put nextcloud steps ahead of owncloud.

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For me you have a problem with your scan engine with external storage. I can compare as follows

nextCloud v9.0.50

Starting scan for user 1 out of 1 (rescan)

| Folders | Files | Elapsed time |
| 16732 | 57990 | 01:32:42 |

ownCloud v9.0.3 RC-1

Starting scan for user 1 out of 1 (rescan)

| Folders | Files | Elapsed time |
| 16912 | 59489 | 00:20:03 |

It seems, I doesn´t need the command “occ files:scan --all”, right?

What you think about the speed? On a fast Linux Server this problem slows down, but is not on level of earlier versions. It means, the speed of oc9.0.3 now is on level with oc8.2.5.

I think the external storage plugin would be excellent if it were treated like unix mounts - an external storage volume could be placed at any place in the filesystem, and treated like a normal folder. This would be, by far, the most flexible.

This could already be done by mounting a remote storage manually and then set a new “local” external storage folder.