Azure Nextcloud AIO Uses Temporary Storage?

Good evening people.

I’ve been playing with the Nextcloud AIO for the last 24 hours and am surprised to find it seems to store its data on the temporary storage space on the VM.

I don’t see any option to change the path to a persistent storage location. This obviously means it breaks as soon as it’s deallocated.

Is this a known issue? Is there any guidance or steps to remedy this?

Hi, can you collaborate, in which directory is persistent data stored that should not be?

By default it stores on /mnt/ncdata, which is wiped at every restart on Azure VMs.

The disk even has a text file warning not to store data there.

I need to investigate this. Can you open a bug report here?

I was wondering the same. The disk seems not to be cleared at a reboot, but the warning in /mnt/DATALOSS_WARNING_README.txt is very clear about the risk.

Do you want me to open a issue?