Authentication pb with Iphonex IOS and app token

Hi everybody.
First of all , thx for your app, nextcloud is the best cloud app.
Today, I changed my galaxys7 to iPhonex.
But now, Unfortunately i can’t access to my account on my own nextcloud server (https with Let’s encrypt).
Everything worked with my old galaxyS7.
I’m using app token to be authenticated, as my old android phone, but it doesn’t work.
I think there are a problem on button action, because my webserver has no request when I clicked on. Thx for your work, and keep it that way. Best regards

Nextcloud version : 13.0 (last update)
IOS App : last version from App Store

  • Nextcloud version : 13.0 (last update)
  • IOS App : last version from App Store
  • Generate a new application token
  • On the login screen of the app, chose to use the token
  • It hangs forever after entering the token
  • No message is shown in the logs

Hi Community,

I found this issue on github:
"iOS app won’t allow connecting with app token (flow) #499"

Got anybody any insides when the problem will be solved?
