Authentication in Nextcloud Linux 3.5.3

Good morning,

just switched from Nextcloud desktop 3.5.1 to 3.5.3. under Linux Mint. When now accessing a cloud service via WebDav, the new version always asks for an authentification by the cloud provider (i.e. opening the browser, switching to service, making me confirm etc.).

I switched back to 3.5.1 and everything works as expected without this confirmation.

Any suggestions which setting I missed or need to adapt?


Good morning,
with the help of some IT-astute friends I managed to find out what the problem was. Apparently, after 3.5.1 the Nextcloud client under Linux tries to store his authentification data in a kwallet file. I do not use this and did not have such a wallet.
After creating a new wallet and setting its password to blank, I could observe that Nextcloud stored its access data in the new wallet and no longer prompted me at every start through the browser.
Perhaps this was obvious to everybody else, but I would have found some sort of error message helpful here (or is there something in the version notes that I missed?).