Assign no disk space to user/group

Hi there,
I am the admin of a nextcloud site.
I want to assign only the use of one app (Passwords) to a user group or to a single user. I don’t want him (or the group) to have storage space or any other app.

Is that possible? If so, how do I go about configuring that?
I am using Version 19 at the moment, but will upgrade soon.



Hi @Thomsterdam,
I’d recommend to use the guests app for this:
Hope it helps! :slight_smile:

Hi Szaimen,
I don’t understand how to do this. The instruction at the guest app is too limited. Could you help me find detailed instructions how I can share an app (Passwords) with a guest?

To be absolutely clear: I don’t want to share my own passwords. I want a guest to be able to make his own list of passwords, be able to edit and delete those passwords and use them on a browser on his own computer!

