🇨🇭 any interest in Nextcloud/FOSS offline meetings in Switzerland?

Hi all, I’m located in :switzerland: Switzerland and would like to setup some kind of user group related to Nextcloud and open source in general. Please vote and comment if you wish to connect in person in Switzerland!

  • Zurich area
  • Bern area
  • other place (add comment)
0 voters

best regards

Update 2024-12-17T23:00:00Z
5 responses within few days but unfortunately not growing anymore :cry: I would prefer the option by mritzmann as long we don’t grow a lot.

lets plan the date? I would suggest middle of Jan… Tue works best for me, Wed, Thu or Fri works as well at ~18:00? what are your preferences?

I don’t think we need a poll, just add your preferences I can clean up the discussion later once we find a common sense.


If no room can be found:

I can possibly organise a room for ~8 people at Ops One (2min next to Wiedikon railway station). We have beer in the fridge and a Carrera track in the meeting room!


I’m also interested in participating. I can organize a room for up to 40 people next to Zürich HB.

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Thank you @wwe for the initiative and @mritzmann & @Aarnoaukia for the rooms!

I could do evenings of Thu Jan 16 and Fri Jan 17.

taking into account upcoming holiday season and @mritzmann exams :crossed_fingers: following dates are possible at Ops One please vote - we will chose one date for the first meeting :sparkler: .

  • 13.03.2025 17:00
  • 21.03.2025 16:30
  • 27.03.2025 17:00
0 voters

max two options to choose so we know the best day already.
If you prefer other options please comment :handshake:


Hello together

Cool idea! Would love to be part of it. However, I can’t speak English very well. Is everyone okay with German?

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we will see, I assume most participants are german-speaking… and likely we will speak German most of the time… but chances exist somebody join who only can understands English… I would say join the meeting and we will try to satisfy everybody :wink:

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Ich glaube, mit Deutsch wirst du dich durchschlagen können. Die überwiegende Mehrheit wird ja ohnehin mit Deutsch komfortabler sein :grinning:

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Sollte an allen drei Terminen können (kann aber nur max 2 auswählen :wink:)
Deutsch oder Englisch.

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Hello everyone.
Thanks for organising @wwe and @mritzmann .
Thursday and Friday are difficult, tuesday or Wednesday would be better for me. Otherwise I would just be about 1 hour late

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Hallo Tim,
Ich bin auch deutscher Muttersprachler (met dickem schwiizerdütschem Akzent ;p).

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hi all, we decided to move forward and define the date so everybody could plan.

:clap: :clap: :clap: The 1st meeting of :switzerland: Nextcloud User Group ™ is planned for 2025-03-13T16:30:00Z2025-03-13T18:30:00Z at

thank you @mritzmann for offering the room.

maybe for the sake of planning short confirmation who plans to join

  • I will attend
0 voters

I think first time we will spend most of the time with introduction and discussing the format and frequency of the following meetings. Everybody is invited to bring interesting topics and stories!