Anonomous download for directory

Sad to me I wasn’t able to file a solution soon, so decided to ask before ruin my installation:

Me and some of my friends set up a Nextcloud installation (several users, several dirs of files and some shared links for external visitors) to share files within our community. Surely all of us are able to auth himself, and we can maintain small list of user easily.

Now, we really need to have one directory to be anonymously read-only accessed from the world (that is, for everyone without authorization). Anyone in the world should be able to visit the site, see list fo all files/subdirs within the dir, and download any file he/she like. So, creating shared links to each file is not an option, as files can be added or deleted at any moment.

Please help, maybe this is simple to archive and I just mess something? I understand Nextcloud is not a host-static-files platform, but maybe this is possible?

Thank you in advance!

You can share the top folder with readonly. The anonymous user can surf through the directory structure and download each file or selected file/directory with zip.

You can test Nextcloud with
The password of the user is demo.
Server is or .
Account is deleted after 60 minutes.