Android log in...or not

Please be gentle with me as i am new to ubuntu, nextcloud…and life…probably :slight_smile:

Installed ubuntu 20.01 lts no problem and i even managed to use the walk through guide to get nextcloud up and running. Installed the app on an android phone…and this is where i am having problems. I enter and then user name and password. Problem is, it keeps telling me its the wrong password…which it isnt.

Not sure what to do ?

many thanks,

What username are you using, is it from a user account you created within nextcloud?

If so, you could try giving that user ‘admin’ rights, at least temporarily, see if that helps. And/or try creating a new ‘testuser’ account and try that one?

helo and thanks for the reply,
i am using the username that is labelled full name in nextcloud settings along with the correct password. I have tried changing the password but the android app still says wrong password or username ?

I checked mine and I don’t have a ‘full name’ label.
I also noticed that all I do have is a ‘display name’ which is the one I see displayed, it does NOT show me what I know to be my ‘username’.
I recommend adding a new user, use the exact same ‘display name’ as ‘username’, e.g.
cloudguy / cloudguy

See if that works.