Android App vorkonfigurieren

Hallo Alle.

Wir testen G-Suite als MDM anstatt unseres besthenden MDM. Dort möchte ich auch die Nextcloud Anroid-App vorkonfigurieren. Gibt es die Möglichkeit den Server per XML-File zu konfigurieren. Wie macht ihr das? Ziel wäre es die User mit möglichst wenig Tipparbeit am Smartphone zu belästigen.

Hi everyone.

We are testing if we can G-Suite instead of our old MDM. Is there a way to preconfigure Nextcloud Android-App with an XML-file. At least Server URL should be preconfigured. We want our Colleagues to type as little as possible an the Smartphones.



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What else do you want to preconfigure? I think you just need to type in the URL, username, then password. Setting up an XML file of some sort will still require the user to tell the app where that file is, making it just as complicated if not more than just typing the URL. Either way they still need to enter their username and password.

You could fork the repository and customize the app to fit your needs.