Am I the only one?

Updating to the latest version of Nextcloud has overall been a pleasure - it works - is stable.

But…am I the only one who really misses the old Documents App? I used it a lot for quick edits and more.

I have no intention of creating a Collabora Server as the main aim here is to build a lower power consumption Raspberry Pi network.

It is a pity the Documents App has been dropped - but perhaps I am alone in thinking this.


Yes it’s a pitty but Nextcloud is not to blame.

The documents app is no longer maintenained, and it’s dependancies also.

This apps have severals crashes when used with two or more users at the same time.

It will be great if someone could build this kind of app with up to date dependancies


Don’t take it personally but there are a bunch of the same topics already about docs and so I’ll be closing this one. Go here for updates on the docs app:

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