(Almost) constantly spinning/loading icon

I’m a loooong time Mail app user, but it’s taken me a while to get around to asking about this. Initially it wasn’t too big a pain, but it’s happening almost constantly now.

When I navigate to my mail app, the page loads, relatively quickly (10-12 seconds?), but then there is a constantly spinning/“loading” icon (class=“icon-loading-small”), even after the page has loaded. It can be seem in this screenshot -

In the video, the page loads, I then refresh the page (goes blank), and then finishes loading, but the icon is still there.

Can anyone help? Is there any information I can provide?

Could you do a screencast where we see the network log of the browser’s developer tools? I’d like to see if there is indeed a sync operation pending.

Here you go: https://nuboso.ei8fdb.org/s/He9pJz3N9y8JF7W
Password: N3xtcl0ud2021
The link will expire in 4 days, to keep things private-ish. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the video. So the loading spinner moves up when the synchronization is done, but it doesn’t vanish. I don’t get why this happens. This could be just a visual issue. The network log doesn’t indicate an actual synchronization.

Do you have the possibility to make the window wider or zoom out? Does the icon still remain?

I think I understand. I’ve made another video availabe here:
password: Ch0c0lat3M1lk

The link will expire on 04 July.

It’s very odd, as my browser will display notifications when a new email has arrived but when I go to mail, I have to refresh before I can see the new mail.

Anything else you need, let me know. Thanks for your help so far.