Allow users to send mail notification for shared files NOT VISIBLE

Nextcloud version : 11.0.1
Operating system and version : Debian Jessie
Apache or nginx version : nginx 1.10.3-1
PHP version : 7.0.15-1

The issue you are facing:
In the Admin Panel on the sharing Tab, i see all settings but the Setting:
“Allow user to send mail notification for shared files” is not visible.
Email config is set to php and works without problems.

Tried disabling the email sharing app and reenable it, but with no success.

Seems to be not the same problem. Now i tried also with disabling the password policy app but still the same.

Here a Picutre between the Difference of my NextCloud Install and a Picutre from the Docs

just found this

i think can be closed as duplicate. havent it found before via search function

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