All IOS-Clients - No files, Log: Error 500


when using IOS-Client to access NC-Server no files are shown in the files tab. Favorites tab doesn’t work either. Only media tab shows photos. This happens at all users using IOS-Client. WebUI or desktop-client are working as normal.

Here is a log from a users IOS-Client showing Error-Code 500. The server runs as docker environment on lts 20.04 with mariadb, redis and collabora. Federalcloud is not used and a read-only datastore is used as external storage (lokal) and shared to all users by admin. Users are not allowed to have external storage. Disableing external storage doesn’t fix the problem as mentioned in older tasks.
A possible hint could be a problem with a database table containing old external storage links. Does anybody has further informations about that issue?


2021-08-18 12:48:08 Start session with level 1 Nextcloud Liquid for iOS © 2021

2021-08-18 12:48:08 initialize Main

2021-08-18 12:48:08 Network request started: GET

2021-08-18 12:48:08 Network request started: GET

2021-08-18 12:48:08 Network request started: PROPFIND

2021-08-18 12:48:08 Network request started: PROPFIND

2021-08-18 12:48:08 Network response request:, result: success({

    edition = "";

    extendedSupport = 0;

    installed = 1;

    maintenance = 0;

    needsDbUpgrade = 0;

    productname = Nextcloud;

    version = "";

    versionstring = "22.0.0";


2021-08-18 12:48:10 Network response request:, result: success({

    ocs =     {

        data =         {

            "additional_mail" =             (


            "additional_mailScope" =             (


            address = "";

            addressScope = "v2-local";

            avatarScope = "v2-federated";

            backend = LDAP;

            backendCapabilities =             {

                setDisplayName = 0;

                setPassword = 0;


            "display-name" = "Sascha Speckmann";

            displaynameScope = "v2-federated";

            email = "";

            emailScope = "v2-federated";

            groups =             (

                "CBKS Zermatt",



            id = "A467673B-8824-4B9F-9764-3A544E957735";

            language = de;

            lastLogin = 1629283635000;

            locale = "de_DE";

            phone = "";

            phoneScope = "v2-local";

            quota =             {

                free = 1844893974528;

                quota = "-3";

                relative = "1.02";

                total = 1863905511708;

                used = 19011537180;


            storageLocation = "/var/www/html/data/A467673B-8824-4B9F-9764-3A544E957735";

            subadmin =             (


            twitter = "";

            twitterScope = "v2-local";

            website = "";

            websiteScope = "v2-local";


        meta =         {

            message = OK;

            status = ok;

            statuscode = 200;




2021-08-18 12:48:10 Network response request:, result: failure(Alamofire.AFError.responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500)))

2021-08-18 12:48:10 Network response request:, result: failure(Alamofire.AFError.responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500)))

2021-08-18 12:48:10 Network request started: REPORT

2021-08-18 12:48:10 Network request started: GET

2021-08-18 12:48:10 Network request started: GET

2021-08-18 12:48:10 Network response request:, result: failure(Alamofire.AFError.responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500)))

2021-08-18 12:48:11 Network request started: GET

2021-08-18 12:48:11 Network request started: GET

2021-08-18 12:48:11 Network request started: GET

Because of the error:

2021-08-18 12:48:10 Network response request:, result: failure(Alamofire.AFError.responseValidationFailed(reason: Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500)))

it is perhaps a problem wie SMB.
Do you use SMB? Can you temporary deactivate its?

Nextcloud SMB Error 500

Perhaps you can find other hints with a search engine:

“nextcloud Alamofire.AFError.ResponseValidationFailureReason.unacceptableStatusCode(code: 500”

Nextcloud doesn’t use SMB (SMB Client is not part of the dockerinmage) but the docker-host does. The backup-storage and the mentioned read-only datastore are mounted via smb to the dockerhost. The datastore is used as an lokal external storage which is shared by the nc-admin to a usergroup. The mount is provided to docker as a volume in /var/www/. Php/nc should not recognize it as a smb mount.
The external store was already deactivated but it didn’t solve the problem.



i have discovered a strange behavior:
After browsing on more tab and opening newest files, the recently added files are now shown in files tab as well. Unfortunately these files and the belonging folders only, older files in the same folder not.
Why is the client able to load the newer files but not the old ones. So it might not be a problem accessing files in general.
