Alerts for anniversaries calendar

I have an anniversary calendar which is synchronized on an Android device with Davdroid. For each birthday it generates an alert at midnight which is annoying. How to disable alerts in anniversaries calendar ?
Thank you for help.

Thats not possible as of yet, but there is a feature request and we want to implement this soon:

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Seems like β€œsoon” takes about 8 months to happen … :slight_smile:

I have the same issue for all birthday events in thunderbird now - very annoying.

Hi, I’m new to nc and currently exprimenting with calendar.
Would you mind sharing, how you work with the anniversaries calendar?
Did you set up an extra calendar?
Should the birthday information of my contacts appear in my calendar by default?
Not sure how to set this birthday calendar up properly.

Are there any updates available here?

I am also very annoyed by those nightly birthday notifications that I can not disable… :frowning: