AiO containers set to 'admin user' in Portainer, how is this possible?!

I’ve installed NC AiO in a compose file, through a simple user account in portainer.
As containers were not loading, not showing, I went to the admin account to look around … the domaincheck container had been created in the admin account! persuing the install through the mastercontainer in webbrower, all containers got created in the admin account!!
How is this possible?? :flushed:

Hi, did you read GitHub - nextcloud/all-in-one: Nextcloud AIO stands for Nextcloud All In One and provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance.?

yes, of course!!
I’ve install AiO with a compose file in a stack in portainer, through a user account.
What did I miss in the link you just sent me that is relating to this please? It’s a long file. I search ‘portainer’ and didn’t see anything relating to my remark. Could you be more specific please? Thanks, you answered so quickly :smiley::+1:

What exactly are you missing? In the link that I’ve sent is explained how it works.

Sorry, I don’t see anything about portainer user or admin accounts.
If a user of my portainer’s GUI install AiO, he’s not able to see the local IP of the nextcloud-aio-apache container, which is necessary to set an entry in Cloudflare proxy manager …
I don’t see anything about this on the presentation page of the AiO project…
Could you quote please? Sorry to ask, but I cmd+F the whole page for ‘portainer’ … can’t see :man_shrugging:

We have this documentation on Cloudflare Tunnel available: GitHub - nextcloud/all-in-one: Nextcloud AIO stands for Nextcloud All In One and provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance.

See GitHub - nextcloud/all-in-one: Nextcloud AIO stands for Nextcloud All In One and provides easy deployment and maintenance with most features included in this one Nextcloud instance. for drawbacks

Thanks a lot. I had been through this several times already.
Do we understand each other well?

I have NO problem starting NC or validating domain.

I’m asking:
‘how come a stack opened in a USER account in Portainer, is changing the ownership of the following AiO containers? How come it is able to give the ownership of the other containers to the admin account, without login/password?’ ?!

thanks if you can pu some light on this :+1:

Ah thanks for making it clear what you are wondering about.

Honestly I don’t know much about the internal working of users in portainer. I suppose they may add a label to the containers that each user creates so that they know which container corresponds to which portainer user but this is just a guess. If it works like this, it would explain why the AIO containers don’t get shown in the users portainer overview because they don’t have such a label. But as I said – this is only a guess.

nice, we understand each other ^^

when created by a user account, a container gets a label ‘private’.
In my situation, the new containers get the label ‘administrator’ and doesn’t get displayed at all in the user account interface!

I’d prefer to have it running in the user account instead of the admin… but I just can’t believe this is even possible ^^ I will try the ‘manual install’

I tried to manually change the ownership to the user. It’s long, but NC kept running (although no Talk nor collabora).

Thanks a lot for your quick support :v: