Adding nexcloud calenders in android apps

Hi :wave:. I would love to use Nexcloud as my calendar / dropbox but I am facing a dilemma. There seems to be no way to view your calendar on a mobile phone. I know about DAVxāµ and I have used it. But that still does not allow me to add new things to my Nextcloud calendar. So Iā€™m wondering if there is an app for it like the Nextcloud talk app but for the calendar that would simply let me edit, view, and get notified for events. If there is one please help me! and if there isnā€™t one, maybe it would be a great idea? or maybe adding it to the original Nextcloud app is even better.

You can use any caldav calendar app you want. Search the Google play or F-Droid or iOS store.

Could you give an example? So I know what you mean by any caldav calendar

Would this one work?

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Iā€™m not aware of any calendar apps that can do CalDAV directly, which of course doesnā€™t mean there arenā€™t any. :wink: But you can install DAVx5, which you already did ad some point in time. DAVx5 handels the CalDAV connection to your Nextcloud and synchronises the calendars from your Nextcloud to your Android system and vice-versa. Once you have setup DAVx5 you should be able to access those calndars with the calendar app of your choice or even with the default calendar app that ships with your phone. Personally I use this one:

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Yeah, it should work fine alongside Davx5 in allowing you to read and write to your calendars.

Exactly my understanding.

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It seems tho that none of them want to send the calendar events to Nexcloud. They only sync from Nextcloud to my calendar but not the other way around.

My standard android calendar also gets the nextcloud calendars events but nextcloud does not get them from the default calendar, But isnā€™t it supposed to get thoā€™s to?

You have to choose your Nextcloud calendar when you create a new event. Most likely the calendar you refer to as ā€œdeafultā€ calendar is a local calendar on your phone. DavX5 adds the Nextcloud calendars to your phone. It doesnā€™t synchronize them to already existing local calendars.

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Thanks, I missed an option in the android calendar app where you can select what calendar to add it to.

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Most likely thereā€™s also an option to set it as the default, so that you donā€™t have to do switch calendars every time you create a new eventā€¦

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