Accessing nextcloud calendar with calcurse

Hello I’ve recently setup a nextcloud instance with a calendar and wanted to sync my calcurse with it.

This is my calcurse-caldav config(password, username and hostname obviously changed):

Binary = calcurse
Hostname =
Path = remote.php/dav/
AuthMethod = basic
HTTPS = Yes 
DryRun = No  
Verbose = Yes

Username = BestUsername
Password = SuperSecretPassword

I get the following error though:

╰─$ calcurse-caldav --init keep-remote
Connecting to
Removing all local calcurse objects...
error: The server at replied with HTTP status
error: code 415 (Unsupported Media Type) while trying to access

I strongly suspect that there is something wrong with my config but I can’t understand what as this config worked perfectly with Calibre.

Thank You!

Hi! I just made this account because I just had the same issue, but I have solved it (at least on my end). I am using Mail-in-a-box which uses nextcloud for caldav so YMMV. Anyway, here are the settings I have:

Binary = calcurse
Hostname =
Path = /cloud/remote.php/caldav/calendars/<my username>/personal/
AuthMethod = basic
HTTPS = Yes 
DryRun = No  
Verbose = Yes

Username = BestUsername
Password = SuperSecretPassword

I hope this helps. (remember to dry run first)

Hi, would you mind how were you able to configure your calcurse?
I just installed the calcurse and can not find any documentation where I can sync it to my nextcloud or any other caldavs.