About to give up

Installed nextcloud through snap. So many problems because of how secure they want to make this. I am sure most of the issues I am having are because of this. For example I enabled AD authentication.

It works and the users are imported. I can log in with a test AD user but if I log in as admin and share a file with the user or try to make them an admin nothing happens. This is so damn frustrating. Whats the point of installing software you cant administer or configure. I am ready to wipe this and go to another solution.

I never used the snap-stuff. It’s supposed to be easily installed, however it has some drawback on configuration options. On a raspberry pi, nextcloudpi could be an interesting option:

You probably know the wiki on github and the bugtracker:

Me neither. But I do think that behavior is present in server as well. At least it was back in 11 something when I did an AD deployment.

I solved this by mapping an dedicated AD group as admins in Nextcloud.
Using wet strings and gum the expert LDAP/AD configuration.

If you decide to do a “vanilla” installation (as in: no docker, no snap), shoot me a PM if you need help.
Or don’t. I’m not your boss :wink:

LDAP/AD is often used in larger setups which have enterprise support. The documentation and its improvement is a bit up to the community.

No offense meant!
You don’t have to defend the docs, they’re outstandingly good.

It’s just AD is a difficult topic, as there are so many possibilities. I’ve yet to see two ADs that are alike, even when modeled after the same best-practices. And even if you follow the one and only true best practice, chances are high that what you’ve done is deprecated in the next Server iteration.

Now if you throw in an non-microsoft client, like php-ldap, the possible setups grow exponentially.
So I don’t think there’s one doc to rule them all.

Setting up AD auth (anywhere really) is a complex algorithm of steps, each and single one tailored to your instance and environment.