About the admin_notifications category

Here you can discuss the admin notifications app.

Hello, is there an API for the admin panel to easily send this notifications?

Also, can this be used to send to a group instead of individual user id?

Thanks for your input.

After upgrade to NC 15.0.0 (from 14.0.4)
Admin notifications 1.0.2
is disabled, can not enable and no upgrade available.

I see now the answer to my question:

  • This app cannot be installed because the following dependencies are not fulfilled:
  • Server version 14 or lower is required.

Obsoleted with Nextcloud 14: The functionality of the “admin_notifications” app has been merged into the default notifications app for Nextcloud 14. You can savely uninstall and delete the “admin_notifications” app, because it does not do anything anymore.

Allows admins to generate notifications for users via the console or an HTTP endpoint