A simple way to share formatted document with links with user?

I’d like to share a document with comments and links with a user (within a teaching situation). There does not seem to be an easy way to do that - apart from the cluncky documents app. I hoped the OwnNote app would be able to do that, but when the user opens the file, she is presented the source code but not the formatted html document. Or is there something I did wrong? Besides that, sharing is not possible from the notes app, but one has to navigate to the Notes folder first? Thanks!

PDF files? In the past there was a doku-wiki-app…

No, something more webfriendly. I think the available notes apps should be able to do that as OwnNote. It is already saved as html, but only after sharing one only sees the code, seems like a bug to me

The best way is probably an app. I

Then report this bug to the developer of the Notes app.

Alright, I will do, in the meantime I will just use the texteditor